In honor of Keith Lee hating British food here is me, an American, loving it! This was my first time trying a jacket potato back in August at Spud Man! #spudman #american #americanintheuk #jacketpotato #uk #britishfood #unitedkingdom #british #keithlee #fyp #tamworth @GoonieDad@spudman
Replying to @Beba the baseball mom Who remembers this song from 1998? Oh and it’s my birthday! #1998 #90smusic #90skids #80sbaby #genx #millennial #xennial #40andover #40andoverclub #over40 #clubmusic #music #fyp #britishmusic #dancemusic #dancesong #memories #ukgarage #euro #birthday #party #44
American can’t believe how much better British bread is vs American bread! @Warburtons let’s be friends! #warburtons #bread #american #british #uk #food #unitedkingdom #fyp #freinds #britishfood #breadandbutter #tastetest #foodreview #ukvsusa
Replying to @WTF is Going On Here? Who remembers this song from 1993? #90s #90smusic #hiphop #fyp #millennial #genx #80sbaby #genxmusic #rap #uk #usa #europe #america #xennial #music #80s #1993 #k7 @GoonieDad
American tries a pork pie for the first time #porkpie #american #britishfood #uk #fyp #unitedkingdom #british #pie #foodreview #tastetest @Parker's GBI
Replying to @Jackie Who likes this remix? Do you know the original song? #remix #fyp #70s #80s #90s #music #millennial #genx #xennial #70smusic #80smusic #90smusic #techno #house #dance #ValentinesDay
Replying to @danielle Fisher American tries a bacon butty using British bacon and British bread! #bacon #baconbutty #britishfood #american #british #uk #fyp #unitedkingdom #warburtons #review #foodreview #buffalo #britinamerica @Parker's GBI
Is this a scone? Yes? No? Maybe? American scones! #scones #american #fyp #uk #unitedkingdom #british #britishfood #cream #jam #chocolatechip #breakfast
#onthisday American tries a hot cross bun for the first time! #hotcrossbuns #american #britishfood #fyp #uk #review #unitedkingdom #foodreview #british #firsttime #tastetest #throwback