I hit Coast FIRE at 60! Let’s walk through the numbers for my next milestone 📈💰 Which FIRE strategy are you pursuing? #personalfinance #financialindependence #fire #financialindependenceretireearly #coastfire #invest
my net worth increased $170k in 2024 (crazy 😭) YouTube linked in my Stan Store. The 5 most impactful steps I took to go from -$100k net worth to +$100k net worth 💸 #personalfinance #networth #financialindependence #fire #budgeting #investing
budget my $25k bonus with me 💸🫶🏻 💻 Annual Budget Planner + discount code available in my Stan Store 🤍 💸 full transparency about the numbers - this is by no means normal income for me!! personal finance can be pretty seasonal. December and January are usually super well performing months with the new year. I also got paid out from my largest brand deals. #personalfinance #budget #budgeting #budgettemplate #financialliteracy #financialeducation #money #bonus #payday #paydayroutine
I’m going to retire in my 40’s ✨this is your sign to be delusionally confident when setting your goals, because you CAN make it happen. #financialfreedom #financialindependence #fire #retirement #moneygoals #personalfinance #budget #budgeting
what I spent in January 💸💫 💻 Annual Budget Planner, including a discount code, available in my Stan Store 🤍 #personalfinance #whatispend #monthlybudgeting #budget #budgeting #financialindependence #financialfreedom
5 money habits that have made a huge impact on my finances 💸💫 (I’ve been collecting my empties for over a year lol I’m planning to make an empties video but I keep putting it off!!) #personalfinance #moneymindset #moneyhabits #financialindependence
my sinking funds! what they are, how much I’m saving, where the actual money goes, and how I close out my budget for the month 💸 💻 Annual Budget Planner + a discount code in my Stan Store 🫶🏻 #personalfinance #savingmoney #sinkingfunds #budget #moneygoals
emergency fund audit round 2 🫡 💰current 1 year emergency fund: $50,000 My emergency fund is my “job loss” fund to cover my expenses in the case of a layoff. BUT I know I would realistically never have 1 full year of making $0 income - so I want to take that into account. I estimate I can safely make about $1000 per month in the case I lose my job. This would come from social media and picking up any part-time jobs as needed. That would reduce my emergency fund need by $12,000 ($1000 x 12 months), which will be invested right into the market ((this makes me nervous but I believe that I can adapt to changes in income and earn money!!!)) 💰updated 1 year emergency fund: $38,000 What change can you make to bring you closer to your dream life? #personalfinance #emergencyfund #saving #investing #financialindependence #fire
how I went from $134k ➡️ $313k invested in the last year 📈 Also don’t know how I forgot my social media investments so far this year!! That brings it to $50,500 invested since the beginning of last year from content creation alone. If you ever needed a sign to post little videos this is it!!!! #personalfinance #fire #financialindependenceretireearly #financialfreedom #retireearly #coastfire
I’ve turned down $13,000 in brand deals so far this year. Let’s talk about it 💸 As always - thank you all SO much for always being so supportive of my content 🫶🏻
It’s a new month (finally 😵💫)!! it’s time to sit down and finalize my 2024 budget, see if I hit my goals, and update alllll of my numbers. 💸 💻 Annual Budget Planner, including a discount code, in my Stan Store 🤍 #personalfinance #budget #budgeting #debtpayoff #networth #networthtracking #budgettemplate #monthlyreset #reset #resetroutine