On this exact day, two years ago, we trapped 9 cats for TNR. Those 9 cats stopped the birth of 108 kittens from being born onto the streets that year. It is amazing to look back and see how many lives we have saved and changed. I guess we don't realize how much of an impact we have made and continue to make until we sit down and actually start to think about it. We hope we have inspired many people to also take action and help their local feral colonies. This was a memory that came up on our Google.
Woke up thinking of you, Santana. Since you left, the world hasn't been the same. You left a giant hole in our hearts. You taught us so much in such a short period of time. You have led us to the most neglected and overlooked kitties in our city. You touched so many lives, and because of you, many other people have started to take action when they see a little friend on the street in distress. If only we could go back in time to see you one more time and hold you and tell all about the other kitties we have saved! Hey, but who i am kidding, you already know all about them since you are up there looking after them and guiding us to find them. Your heart was made of gold! You showed how no matter how much you had been through, you still opened up your heart to us, opened up to allow us to show you that not all in this world is evil. We love you always and forever, Love, Your mommies that miss you terribly down here in this globe we call earth.
We were messaged about some kittens that had been born in an old car in someone's backyard. The Mama did such a good job and kept her babies warm and dry despite the rain we had been having. We were able to quickly get Mama into a carrier and then got her 5 babies. She had hidden them underneath the seat, and they were all plump and healthy. We have named Mama Aria and her Little Liars (The PLL Litter). Full intros on her babies coming soon. It looks like we are getting an early start to kitten season, and we are looking for fosters. If you're interested in fostering, please fill out a foster application by visiting the link in our bio @catsofsanbernardino
We were contacted by an apartment manager about some kitties that were left behind and dumped outside when her tenants moved out. Two adult cats and three kittens were left outside with 2 pillows in a boiler room. Unfortunately 2 of the kittens passed away before we were contacted 💔. The weather has been cold and rainy and these poor kitties weren't used to being outside. The original rescue plea only mentioned the Mom cat and her baby but we immediately noticed another kitty that was outside. The other girl looked just like the Mama and had a matching collar. We wanted to be sure we werent taking someone else's cat so we asked around the apartment building and 3 of the tenants confirmed that our second adult cat had also been abandoned by the previous family. We knew we couldn't leave her behind so we scooped her up too. We were concerned about panleukopenia because Two of the kittens had passed away. We took all three kitties straight to the vet and had some testing done. They were all negative for panleukopenia and seem to be healthy overall, just starving. We have named them Bubbles (Baby), Blossom (Mom), and Buttercup (Mama cats sister). We are in need of fosters. We have had a lot of pleas for help recently but need more fosters. If you're interested in fostering please fill out a foster application by visiting the link in our bio @catsofsanbernardino Stay tuned for updates on our Power Puff Girls 🌻🫧🧈
We rescued Odyssey a year and two months ago. He had been abandoned and had a bad case of crypto 💔 He has been getting treatment twice a day for the past 14 months. He's made incredible improvements and is almost completely recovered. Odyssey has officially been preadopted ❤️ He is staying with us to continue treatment until at least April. His new mom is a nurse for humans and will be continuing his treatment if he still needs it after April. He is the most gentle and loving boy, and we are so excited for the next chapter of his life. We hear he is going to have an instagram, so we will keep you posted with that info closer to his official adoption day. We will still have updates on him here until he goes home but we wanted to share the amazing news with everyone. We are going to miss this big hunk but he deserves to have a person and place to call all his own ❤️
We were contacted about a kitty who had been abandoned at an apartment complex. His family moved away and left him behind... that was four years ago. Although Garfield was abandoned, he had a great group of people at the apartment building looking out for him. We got to meet three different tenants from different apartments who were all involved in his care ❤️ Although he was loved, Garfield needed to get off the streets and into the safety of a home. His caretakers will miss him, but they were incredibly grateful that we came to help. Garfield is currently at the vet. Please consider donating to his medical bills and care by visiting the link in our bio @catsofsanbernardino
A couple of days ago, we took Theodore out on a litter adventure. We stopped at petsmart and got him a Ken (from Barbie) harness, collar, and a leash. He hadn't been out with us before, and we wanted to see if he enjoyed it. Little man did so great and led us around on a bunch of adventures. He slept the entire car ride and loved rolling around in the grass 😅 I think it's safe to say we have a little adventure cat. He isn't scared of ANYYHING and enjoys soaking up attention. You can get a better idea of how he walks with his injury in these videos. We wanted to let everyone know that we are safe and have not been affected by the fires. Our hearts break for all the people and animals being affected 💔
New Rescue Alert! Everyone meet Nova! Our veterinarian found this beautiful boy on New Years ❤️ He has mobility issues with his front legs, that Dr believes will resolve with time. All of his x-rays and testing came back clear, and kittens have an almost other worldly ability to heal. Dr's dog Meg, has taken it upon herself to be a loving caretaker for Nova! We will keep everyone updated on this beautiful boy.
Everest Update! This beautiful boy was attacked by dogs. He had a broken pelvis and broken leg. He is still going to need FHO surgery BUT hes already making strides in his recovery. When we first rescued him he wasn't able to stand, let alone walk. Now he walking around and even making small hops around his area. He a very happy boy and is going to make the best companion.