The case that haunts me 💔 #obgyn #mfm #ipv #dv #maternalmortality PMID: 34619735 Homicide During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period in the United States, 2018–2019: Homicide is a leading cause of death during pregnancy and the postpartum period in the United States. Pregnancy and the postpartum period are times of elevated risk for homicide among all females of reproductive age. Homicide and other violent causes are, by definition, not counted in estimates of maternal mortality, which fails to capture the totality of preventable death occurring among girls and women who are pregnant or in the postpartum period. Not only does the perinatal period appear to increase likelihood of experiencing violence, but a study on trauma victims in Pennsylvania found that injuries inflicted on pregnant females are more likely to be fatal. The consistency of these findings implicates health and social system failures. Although there have been longstanding recommendations for universal IPV screening during prenatal care visits, implementation has been inadequate at best and stigmatizing at worst. Moreover, lack of universal procedures for responding to positive screens in effective and nonpunitive ways means that opportunities for intervention are missed. A majority of pregnancy-associated homicides occurred in the home, implicating the likelihood of involvement by persons known to the victim. We were able to directly evaluate the role of firearms and found that nearly 7 of 10 incidents involved a firearm. This prevalence surpasses previously reported estimates—likely a reflection of the broader national increase in gun-related homicide occurring over the past decade—and reaffirms firearms as the most common means of perpetrating pregnancy-associated homicide.
Doulas are not permitted to provide medical advice or make medical recommendations. Doulas are not medical professionals and are not allowed to: Perform medical tasks, Administer medicines, Change a doctor or midwife's clinical recommendations, Remove a patient from fetal monitoring without approval, and Interfere with a provider's plan of care. Doulas are trained professionals who provide physical, emotional, and informational support during pregnancy, labor, and birth. They can help you make informed decisions by: •Explaining information from the hospital or clinic in terms you can understand •Encouraging you to ask questions about any information you don't understand •Providing guidance on your birth plan •Suggesting ways to ease pain and stress, such as breathing techniques or aromatherapy Doulas are not intended to replace your ob-gyn, nurses, or other trained health care professionals. They work alongside your medical team to support your needs and wishes. #doula #doulasoftiktok #obgyn #mfm #delayedcordclamping
Go to my “cesarean TOLAC VBAC” highlight for more info ! #placentaprevia #placentaaccreta #pasd #placentasccretaspectrumdisorder #cesarean #cesareansection #cesareandelivery
PLEASE SHARE TO REPLACE THEIR SENSATIONALIZED CONTENT WITH ACCURATE INFO FROM SOMEONE WHO KNOWS! Evie Magazine has NO BUSINESS “educating” on this topic. They have NO IDEA what is clinically happening in states with AB bans/restrictions. They are minimizing the lives lost as a DIRECT RESULT of these bans/restrictions with their sensationalized posts and have no interest in making this country a safer place to be pregnant and give birth. WHO: Abortion care encompasses care related to miscarriage (spontaneous abortion and missed abortion), induced abortion (the deliberate interruption of an ongoing pregnancy by medical or surgical means), incomplete abortion as well as fetal death (intrauterine fetal demise). *These are all intrauterine pregnancies. CDC: For the purpose of surveillance, a legal induced abortion is defined as an intervention performed by a licensed clinician within the limits of state regulations, that is intended to terminate a suspected or known ongoing INTRAUTERINE pregnancy and that does not result in a live birth. Most states and reporting areas that collect abortion data report if an abortion was medical or surgical. Medical abortions are legal procedures that use medications instead of surgery. Ectopic pregnancy is not included in abortion statistics. ACGME: The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education is the body responsible for accrediting all graduate medical training programs for physicians in the United States, including OBGYN residents. They must log cases of management of ectopic pregnancy and abortion. Resident Case Log experience with abortions may include a range of surgical or medical UTERINE evacuation techniques. This experience can include uterine aspirations, medical abortions, incomplete abortions, missed abortions, therapeutic abortions, and elective abortions. ECTOPIC PREGNANCY MANAGEMENT IS NOT INCLUDED UNDER ABORTION CASES; they are logged as laparotomy or laparoscopy procedures. Many factors influence or necessitate a person’s decision to have an induced abortion. Contraceptive failure, barriers to contraceptive use and access, pregnancy/parenting is not desired, rape, incest, intimate partner violence, fetal anomalies, illness during pregnancy, and exposure to teratogenic medications. Pregnancy complications, including placental abruption, bleeding from placenta previa, preeclampsia or eclampsia, and cardiac or renal conditions, may be so severe that induced abortion is the only measure to preserve an individual’s health or save their life. #facts #evidencebasedmedicine #greenscreen
#stitch with @doc_and_doula@Dr.BillChun This type of post literally burns me up! There are so many things in pregnancy that we have no control over, but we can definitely have control over recommending AGAINST unnecessary alchohol intake in pregnancy. Its not worth the risk to the fetus to be “the cool doc”. From @fasdunited: As defined by U.S. federal agencies, researchers, and other experts at the 2004 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Terminology Summit sponsored by FASD United (then the National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – NOFAS), “Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is an umbrella term describing the range of effects that can occur in an individual whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. These effects may include physical, mental, behavioral, and/or learning disabilities with lifelong implications. The term FASD is not intended for use as a clinical diagnosis.” Please note: In order to use less stigmatizing language a revised definition of FASD is now in use. The phrase “in an individual whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy” has been replaced with “in an individual prenatally exposed to alcohol.” Accordingly, the current definition is: “Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) is an umbrella term describing the range of effects that can occur in an individual prenatally exposed to alcohol. These effects may include physical, mental, behavioral, and/or learning disabilities with lifelong implications. The term FASD is not intended for use as a clinical diagnosis.” #fas #fetalalchoholsyndrome #fetalalcoholspectrumdisorder #pregnancy #pregnant #obgyn #mfm
#stitch with @alayna_riggs per ACOG: induction at 39 weeks may be conditional upon the values and preferences of the pregnant person, the resources available (including personnel), and the setting in which the intervention will be implemented. A collaborative discussion with shared-decision making should take place with the pregnant person. Additionally, as induction of labor involves coordination between the health care provider and the infrastructure in which induction and delivery will occur, it is critical that personnel and facilities coordinate polices related to the offering of elective induction of labor. #induction #inductionoflabor #39weeks #laboranddelivery #birth #childbirth #pregnant #pregnancy
Many accounts largely want to be contrary and use “data” from low quality or poorly designed studies to tell you what your doc recommends is wrong. A paper with low quality evidence supporting what their link in bio is selling does not make it so!! Please have conversations with your doc and avoid accounts like that! #birth #childbirth #laboranddelivery #obgyn #mfm #laboranddeliverynurse #passivedescent #laboringdown #delayedpushing #pelvicfloor #pushingpositions #greenscreenvideo