How many equal sides does an isosceles triangle have?????? Side note Some ppl in this comment section meet the screentime requirement but obviously have no political or intelectual imput on the sentences they string together. Like no… i am not like you- i dont find the suffix “maxxxing” funny or any inc3l-speak for that matter. Why would i let words and ideologies formed in the bowels of the internet (reddit/4chan) occupy space and pollute my mouth. All fun and games until ppl start voting with the same ideologies you thought were a joke. I gues what im trying to say is that the internet is not a vaccum and the narratives you choose to reproduce have real world repercussions (think devine feminine energy, the roman empire, sigma males, beef and eggs on wooden cutting boards,etcetc). Though i love referential fragmented ironic modes of joking- It is important to critically analyze the source material you are referencing, considering its meaning, associated ideologies, and the extent to which it can reasonably be presented as a form of irony. #chronicallyonline #screentime #tounges #internet #postmodern