First original of this year on colored paper is now up and available in my Etsy shop. And, now is the time to give a little more in depth story about my “Now” project. Back in March 2024, I have watched the tv show “The Three Body Problem”. If you are familiar with it, there’s a countdown that is a crucial part of the plot. I had found it fascinating in the relation with the story, how it was accentuated. It was like a main character in itself. And, if you stay to think about it, it kind of is. Now, me being enamoured with space and time, I was inspired to put time on a space that is making sense to me. That, I have discovered later, keeps me grounded and allows me to think much more clearly. It makes reality more tangible for me. It makes me truly fell alive and with a purpose. Talking about purpose. What I want this project to be, is the work of a lifetime. I want to write every hour, minute and second of an entire year. That’s how long it takes for Earth to circle around the Sun. To see this project to its completion, I am estimating that it will take me between 50 to 60 years to finish it. Now, because with such a big task mistakes are bound to happen, I have come to the conclusion that it’s crucial to accept and embrace them. That is what the gold blocks mean. They are mistakes in writing the time, where my mind wonders a little too far. And this is a parallel to life itself. We are all morally grey in nature, we are all bound to make mistakes, smaller or bigger, but more times than not, we put ourselves to the ground for them, when a lot of times we should just accept and embrace them, learn from them and grow. And because the word count for the caption is not infinite, I will stop here. I hope that at least a part of you will understand what this means to me as an artist. I know some of you, followers and collectors alike, are supporting me with it, and did so from the starting point. For this, I will be forever grateful for your existence, and, as long as life allows me, I will pour my essence into this project. #conceptart #contemporaryart #myart
I am not one for the purple, I think it’s my least favourite colour, but I could not resist this lavender one. It’s so pretty! #lineart #contemporaryart
Latest original for the “Wilderness” series is now sold. Thank you so much to the collector who purchased it! Later today a new piece for the “Now” project will be available so keep an eye out on my stories to see when it goes up in my store. #lineart #contemporaryart #artcontemporain